3 Ways to Prepare Your Lawn for the Spring Thaw

Spring is finally on its way in Cleveland, and homeowners are preparing to begin their spring maintenance routines. However, before you jump right into mowing and planting and watering, it’s important to be sure your yard is ready for the spring thaw. There are several things you can be doing now to make sure your drainage solutions aren’t overwhelmed when the last snow of the year thaws. Our team at DeFazio Company has put together a list so you can be sure you’re ready.

1. Spread the Snow

If you have heaps of snow remaining in your yard, try spreading it out so it can melt a bit more easily. This also will help prevent the snow from soaking an entire section of your lawn. In addition, make sure the snow hasn’t built up in shady areas where it is less likely to melt than in the sun.

2. Check Your Leveling

If you do notice standing water as the snow melts, the problem may lie in the level of your yard. After all the snow and rain, your yard can become swampy and start to slope in places, causing drainage problems. Not only can this cause problems down the road in the health of your lawn, but if the slope is toward your house, it can also result in water leaking into your home.

3. Wait to Water

Most homeowners are pretty eager to water their lawns as soon as the warm weather hits. But remember that there’s a tremendous amount of snow and rain that will keep your lawn watered plentifully. Adding more water may only cause larger problems for your drainage issues. To avoid this, wait until your lawn is completely drained, and never water right before a rainstorm is predicted, or right after one occurs.

Consult the Experts

Don’t let the spring thaw cause damage to your yard or destroy your home. Instead, contact DeFazio at (440) 652-6545 to request an estimate on our professional landscape drainage solutions. Located in Cleveland, we offer a variety of outdoor installation services for irrigation systems, fence installations, and outdoor lighting solutions.

Nick DeFazio: